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Having a career as a Dental Assistant can be very rewarding. It can also be stressful and overwhelming at times. Working with people can get the best of us from time to time. Being a Dental Assistant requires ongoing dedication and energy. If you find yourself becoming physically and emotionally drained due to your work responsibilities as a Dental Assistant, you may be on your way to experiencing a burnout.

Often, stress and burnout are confused. Stress is also the result of the work environment. However, it is the result of periodic issues and complications in the work place. It might be having a bad day now and then. Burnout is a constant, ongoing feeling of not being adequate in your job on a daily basis. You may not longer take pride or interest in your position as a Dental Assistant.

Burnout results in feelings of hopelessness and resentment. If left untreated, it can escalate to depression. Dental Assistants who experience burnout often feel unappreciated, overworked, feel they have too much to accomplish in limited time, and begin to resent their level of responsibility. Placing unrealistic expectations on yourself is also a factor in burnout.

Burnout generally runs in stages. You go from feeling excited about your job as a Dental Assistant to forcing yourself to go to work each morning. Most people aren’t even sure what is wrong at this point. However, you will begin to experience exhaustion that leads to irritability. Burnout often has symptoms including headaches, changes in appetite, and high blood pressure. During phases of burnout, your relationships both outside of work and at work are going to suffer.

If you feel you may be suffering from burnout, talk with your supervisor. You can find support in your co-workers. You might consider attending a few counseling sessions to help you develop an action plan.

To avoid and eliminate burnout in the Dental Assistant field, you must meet your physical and emotional needs. Too often we spread ourselves too thin. We focus on the needs of out patients, our employer, and our family. While this is great, it is important to remember your own needs. Eventually not taking care of them will result in your inability to care for the needs of anyone else.

Meet your physical needs by having regular checkups, getting enough sleep, and eating right. Exercise is a very important part of feeling good physically. To keep yourself feeling good mentally, use your coping skills. Know what triggers your negative feelings and keep them in check. Keep realistic goals and demands on your body and your time. Don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t accomplish everything you set out to do that day. Instead, focus on what you did accomplish. Learn to manage your time. It is OK to say know if you already feel over extended.

Focusing on your social needs is also important. Nurture your relationships with your spouse, children, and close friends. Stay involved in Church and community organizations that are of interest to you. If you are unhappy with your job as a Dental Assistant, talk to your employer about help to remedy the situation. Improving your communication skills with others will also improve your over all health.

Dental Assistants generally enjoy their career choice and put forth their best effort everyday. However, burnout is very common in the dental field. Knowing what causes burnout, they signs and symptoms, and effective ways to manage it will make you be able to focus on your job again. Improving your physical, mental, and social health will soon having you going to work with enthusiasm and a thirst for knowledge in the dental field soon. If your feelings don’t change, you will want to discuss the situation further. It may be depression that needs to be treated instead of burnout. Realistically, some Dental Assistants realize at this time they need a career change.

It is possible to enhance your intelligence quotient in a matter of 10 minutes. Some techniques to do so are discussed below. Don't you want to enhance your IQ? Of course, you can use the brain power exercises and techniques. But these are long term and you would need to regularly practice them. What if you want to boost your IQ now, when you don't have more than 10 minutes.

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It is possible to enhance your intelligence quotient in a matter of 10 minutes. Some techniques to do so are discussed below.

Don't you want to enhance your IQ? Of course, you can use the brain power exercises and techniques. But these are long term and you would need to regularly practice them. What if you want to boost your IQ now, when you don't have more than 10 minutes. You would need all your IQ for any important meeting, or a test or any other major event in your life. If you really need some concrete results and not argue about intelligence, try the following techniques.

Breath To Increase Intelligence Quotient

Breath deeply through your nose. This will relax you immensely and help you remain calm and composed. Deep breathing infuses oxygen into your blood and therefore into your brain and enhances its functioning. A relaxed brain will be far more efficient. Also nose breathing uses the diaphragm more, so lungs draw more air. This is the simplest and shortest way to enhance your intelligence quotient immediately.

Another level of relaxation through breathing is meditation. Sit in whatever posture you are comfortable and concentrate on your breathing. With eyes closed, breath through your nose initially and this will truly calm and relax you. you will have thoughts interfering but just ignore them and keep your focus on your breathing. Do this for a few minutes.

Posture and exercise can improve your IQ

The posture you take while at any problem will surely affect the intelligence at your disposal. Just observe the difference when you solve a math problem slouching and sleeping while you do the same sitting upright. The latter posture will definitely be better since you can think a lot better like that.

You need to exercise, but not a very hectic regime as such. Exercise just enough to pump blood into your brain. Walking works for many but a better alternative to boost your IQ is aerobics.

Sleep also is very crucial for proper brain functioning. But the quality of sleep is also important apart from the duration of sleep.

Diet to Boost IQ

One tree whose leaves do certainly increase blood flow into brain is ginkgo biloba tree. You can use its leaves either in tea or in form of capsules. It also helps improve your memory power and concentration. The effect is immediate and it lasts long if regularly used.

Caffeine is certainly a IQ booster. It has been proved that any test taken after consuming caffeine in some form or the other does increase your scores. But do remember, that the effect is only temporary and caffeine if used longer can have adverse side effects too.

Give up sugar. Any carbohydrate if taken beyond a limit, can blur your thinking. Insulin gets injected into your blood stream after you have sugar and thus diminishes your ability to think. Avoid all carbohydrates like white flour, sugar, potatoes if you want to think clearly.

Results matter in the end

Experts will endlessly debate if the above techniques can really boost one's IQ. But there are times when it is very crucial for you to score high in a test. The above techniques if are found to be IQ booster, why not use them rather than wasting time in thinking if IQ really gets boosted or not. What matters is the score you get in the IQ test. So if you sleep well, have coffee and think sitting straight and if all this boosts IQ, there is no harm in doing the above techniques. These will prepare you better to face any task. Hence, be wise and don't debate any more on IQ and its definitions.

I am sure you all know Henry Ford. What was his IQ, any idea? Why bother? He was the most creative thinker of the last century and he was so because he was always in the company of intelligent people. That alone is a direct 20 point in IQ. I hope you get the point I state here.

You are concerned about results. Hence if you want to be creative resort to such techniques of finding a solution. There are techniques available to try out anything. Try your hands at speed reading and you will have double the grasp on the subject you read. What the world will see are the results or achievements you garner in your lifetime. The Monalisa, the Empire State building, etc, are what the world will remember and not your score in IQ tests.

Want the inside track on what fuels the stars of NASCAR? Get it straight from the winner's circle with grill master, Big John Youk.

Barbecue Is The PITS! New Book - Gets Grillin' NASCAR Style

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Want the inside track on what fuels the stars of NASCAR? Get it straight from the winner's circle with grill master, Big John Youk. Big John changed the way NASCAR eats by making winning food for champion drivers. In his new book BIG JOHN'S SPEEDWAY GRILL: Racing Tales & Sizzling Recipes from the NASCAR Tracks, he brings his straight-shooting techniques for great barbecue from the speedway to your driveway.

BIG JOHN'S SPEEDWAY GRILL is more than just food. The book is an inside look at NASCAR literally straight from the gut with stories and anecdotes about stars like Kyle Petty, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Tony Stewart alongside the food they love to eat. Foods from In the Pot-Hole Chicken to Teach Those Brats a Lesson to Swimming to Freedom Swordfish to Dumpster Divin' Pecan Bars (named for Kyle Petty who literally dumpster dove for them), Big John Delivers.

Big John puts tailgating and backyard bashes on track with his surefire recipes, all of them easy to prepare and hearty enough to satisfy a fierce appetite. The recipes contain no obscure ingredients. This is grilling for the everyday barbecue chef, without any complicated maneuvers. "Big John's Speedway Grill" serves up sizzling platters of easy, crowd-pleasing winners like these:

• I Want My Baby Back Ribs: Big John shows how to grill 'em to perfection-so tender the meat is falling off the bone, with every bite delivering the sweet-and-sour flavors of brown sugar, onion and garlic.

• Oh Say Can You Sea Lobsta & Steamas: A turkey fryer becomes a lobster pot.

• Holy Cow Ribeyes & Spuds: The secret is to start marinating the meat hours in advance, and give the potatoes plenty of grilling time.

• Barbecue Beef Sandwiches: Chuck roast, Louisiana hot sauce and onion buns are the trifecta in this juicy speedway favorite.

• Dumpster Divin' Pecan Bars: They're so good they sent Kyle Petty bounding into a Dumpster to retrieve a batch tossed out by mistake.

Categorized by region, from the Carolinas to the Great Lakes and the Southwest, with stops at world-class tracks in between, "Big John's Speedway Grill" is also packed with insider NASCAR memories that readers will relish while they're chowing down.

After you've planned your work, you have to work your plan, and these steps will help you stick to it and allow you to succeed.

selling planning self-improvement success

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You believe you’re on the right track. You have defined a career mission, set up goals in line with your mission, and you’ve even set up a daily priority plan. Now effective time management should kick in and simply take care of itself, right?

Not so fast! As you become more productive, you may find that you’ll be forced to make choices. Some of these choices, if made properly, will lead you to even greater heights, or if made poorly will lead you to a career disappointment.

Let’s use Ted as an example. Ted is a composite character made up of thousands of salespeople from around the country. Let's look at Ted's career:
Ted has recently made some big changes in his career. These changes have expanded his prospecting skills and his presentation skills - so now several things are happening to him that have never happened before. First he’s got too many customers, so he feels pulled into many directions at once. Second, he can feel himself slipping on service with his customers. He’s not returning phone calls promptly, not following up, and basically dropping the ball. Third, he’s beginning to spend more time away from home, his children are beginning to become distant, and his spouse is becoming resentful of the business!

Sound familiar? Are these challenges you’ve faced? Unfortunately, when faced with these dilemmas, many salespeople resort to something we have all done at some point in our careers. They take steps to sabotage their own success.

Consider this quote from Dr. Joyce Brothers - "We cannot consistently perform at a level inconsistent with our own self image." Is this true of you? Many salespeople view their new found success with suspicion. Why? Because they have rarely experienced it and may have a difficult time adjusting to a new self image. So instead of embracing success many salespeople will reverse course and begin to swim back to their old lives. How do they do this?
Most salespeople don't wake up one morning and say "Well, today I'm going to start failing!" Instead most salespeople just begin making bad decisions. These poor decisions can lead to a bad case of self sabotage and a career crash.

So you may ask yourself how can I succeed in my business but also not feel overwhelmed? How can I continue giving great service to my customers? And most important how can I stop working 80 hour weeks and still be productive?

Let's look at these ways to Stay on your Mission:

1. Relegate/Delegate/Terminate -
When studying your daily to do list (you have one right) you may find that you just have way too many items on the list to possibly accomplish. So what can you do? Apply the simple but effective RDT method.

Relegate - First decide which of the items on the list must be done to accomplish your long term goals. These of course, are your priorities. You must relegate yourself to the fact that these items must be done and most importantly done first.

Delegate - Next when reviewing your to do list ask yourself is there anyone that could be doing these items instead of me? Can you out source it, hire it done, or could some else be doing this work? Wise salespeople attempt to delegate as much as possible.

Terminate - What is on your to do list that does not have to be done? Are there items that are nothing more than busy work? If you can't terminate them, at least, put them on the very bottom of the list.

2. Cut the Dead Wood
As your career begins to pick up steam you may find that you cannot simply work with every customer. You may need to begin choosing your customers. How? Qualify them harder. This may seem harsh at first, after all you want to work with everyone, but in the end you will unable to work with everyone. This is one of the toughest aspects of time management: Knowing which priority takes priority. All customers are good, but the fact is some are better than others. Here is a quick way to qualify your customers:

Motivation Level - Do they really want to buy?

Timing - Are they ready to act now! Or are they stalling?

Ability - Can they close the deal?

3. Deal with Paper Once
How many times do you move one piece of paper around on your desk? Come on, it's more than just once! We all know we should do something about the piece of paper, but we decide that for now, it will look good in a new corner until next week (or the week after). So we keep shuffling, and shuffling, and shuffling. Sometimes one piece of paper becomes two pieces of paper or more.

So what can we do about it? Use the one touch rule. Only touch paper once before you do something with it. There are three uses for every piece of paper you have on your desk - Here they are:

File It - Put it where it needs to go - Which is off your desk!

Toss it - 90% of what comes across your desk is garbage!

Deal With it - If it requires your attention do something with it!

Now when it comes to item number three let me give you a tip: Deal with paper once a day! Set aside just one time during the day to deal with paper, deal with it and move on!

4. Automate Yourself
How long does it take to make ten phone calls? Believe me it takes some time. You have to look up the phone number, dial it, wait for it to ring, and then you have to talk to someone on the other end. What’s makes it time consuming is that you if you beat around the bush awhile until you get to the topic you really called about.

So what is the solution? Force yourself to focus on the reason for your call, and in a polite, tactful way, cut to the chase. Your contact at the other end will appreciate you not wasting their time as well.

Email is another simple solution. How long does it take to email those same ten people? Not long, especially if your message is the same to each one.
Superstars learn to condition their customers to the fact that they will be communicating with them primarily by email, with a few sporadic calls mixed in. The truth is most of them will be relieved. Why? Because they don't have the time to talk to you either!

5. Time Log
Can you remember what you did five days ago? Hey, I can't remember what I did five hours ago! But when you are trying to improve your time management skills you must have the ability to measure your actions against your results. Within the investment world we call this the ROI or return on investment.

What is your return on investment for your time? The only way to measure this key aspect of your business, is to take periodic stock of your business. Do this with a time log. A time log is a simple notebook, in which you record all of your business activities for a week and then compare your success with your actions. If you find that your actions did not equal success then it may be time to reevaluate your time investments.

Are you and your family interested in taking a family vacation soon? If you are, have you already decided what you would like to do or where you would like to go? If you have yet to decide what you would like your next family vacation to be about, you may want to take the time to examine camping. Camping is a fun way to spend your next family vacation.

Although it is nice to hear that camping is a fun way to spend your next family vacation, you may be wondering exactly why that is. What you need to know is that camping is often referred to as one of America’s favorite pastimes. There are a number of different reasons for that, as well as reasons as to why camping is great for family trips or family vacations. A few of the many reasons why you should at least examine camping for your next family vacation are outlined below.

One of the many reasons why camping is perfect for family vacations is because camping is in activity that is ideal for individuals of all different ages. For example, there are many parents who actually take their newborns camping with them. It is more than possible for you to go camping with your children, even younger children, as long as you make sure that you keep an eye on your children at all times.

Another one of the many reasons why camping makes for great family vacations is because camping comes in a number of different formats. For instance, camping vacations can be as short as one day or they can last as long as a week or more. This means that you can plan your next family camping vacation around you and your family. In addition to the length of your camping adventure, you will also find that you can camp a number of different ways. For instance, camping is often done in traditional camping tents or in motor homes. When deciding how you and your family would like to camp, you may want to think about what would be best or easiest for you and your family.

The activities that you and your family will have access to is another one of the many reasons why camping is great for family vacations. Although camping is considered a fun activity all on its own, you will find that it isn’t the only activity that you and your family can participate in. In the United States, a large number of campground parks have onsite swimming pools, onsite lakes, onsite playgrounds, and onsite hiking trails. What does this mean for you? It means that, in addition to camping, you and your family may enjoy swimming, boating, fishing, hiking, and much more!

The cost of camping is another one of the many reasons why camping makes for great family vacations. Although you will likely be charged an admission fee or a camping fee to camp at a public campground park, you will likely find the cost very affordable. The supplies and camping equipment that you need is also extremely affordable, as most of the supplies can be purchased for discount prices, both on and offline.

As it was previously mentioned, camping is great for family vacations, as it is a fun activity that is ideal for just about anyone, no matter what the age. As fun and exciting as camping can be, it is important that you remember to keep an eye on your children at all times, especially younger children. Although camping can be a fun and exciting activity, it is one that can also be dangerous.

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